Marketing Tips

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How Message Match Can Boost Your B2C Marketing Campaigns?

How Message Match Can Boost Your B2C Marketing Campaigns?

How Message Match Can Boost Your B2C Marketing Campaigns?

Ankur Goyal

Ankur Goyal

Ankur Goyal

Feb 22, 2024

Feb 22, 2024

Feb 22, 2024

message match, marketing personalization b2c
message match, marketing personalization b2c
message match, marketing personalization b2c


Let's be honest: after a long workday, the idea of whipping up dinner can feel as appealing as climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. That's when those food app notifications pop up, promising culinary salvation with "Up to 60% off your favourite restaurants!" Suddenly, your taste buds are doing cartwheels, and your fingers are hovering over the order button. 

You are in for a ride!

You open the app, heart pounding with anticipation, only to be met with the crushing reality: not a single restaurant offering 60% off in sight. Worse, the discount applied barely covers the delivery fee, leaving you feeling more hungry than ever.

Sounds familiar?

You're not alone.

Such advertisements are a masterclass in disappointment, exploiting our cravings and busy schedules just to lure us in with bait-and-switch tactics.

This example will help you understand how someone interacting with your advertisement will feel if the message does not match your advertisement. Ads that paint a rosy picture of instant gratification, only to deliver a lukewarm reality, leave a bitter taste in the customer's mouths (and wallets).

Let's be honest: after a long workday, the idea of whipping up dinner can feel as appealing as climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. That's when those food app notifications pop up, promising culinary salvation with "Up to 60% off your favourite restaurants!" Suddenly, your taste buds are doing cartwheels, and your fingers are hovering over the order button. 

You are in for a ride!

You open the app, heart pounding with anticipation, only to be met with the crushing reality: not a single restaurant offering 60% off in sight. Worse, the discount applied barely covers the delivery fee, leaving you feeling more hungry than ever.

Sounds familiar?

You're not alone.

Such advertisements are a masterclass in disappointment, exploiting our cravings and busy schedules just to lure us in with bait-and-switch tactics.

This example will help you understand how someone interacting with your advertisement will feel if the message does not match your advertisement. Ads that paint a rosy picture of instant gratification, only to deliver a lukewarm reality, leave a bitter taste in the customer's mouths (and wallets).

Let's be honest: after a long workday, the idea of whipping up dinner can feel as appealing as climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. That's when those food app notifications pop up, promising culinary salvation with "Up to 60% off your favourite restaurants!" Suddenly, your taste buds are doing cartwheels, and your fingers are hovering over the order button. 

You are in for a ride!

You open the app, heart pounding with anticipation, only to be met with the crushing reality: not a single restaurant offering 60% off in sight. Worse, the discount applied barely covers the delivery fee, leaving you feeling more hungry than ever.

Sounds familiar?

You're not alone.

Such advertisements are a masterclass in disappointment, exploiting our cravings and busy schedules just to lure us in with bait-and-switch tactics.

This example will help you understand how someone interacting with your advertisement will feel if the message does not match your advertisement. Ads that paint a rosy picture of instant gratification, only to deliver a lukewarm reality, leave a bitter taste in the customer's mouths (and wallets).

Refine Your B2C Marketing Campaigns

If you are a  marketer, you know how challenging attracting and converting your ideal customers can be. You have to deal with long sales cycles, multiple decision-makers, and complex solutions. You also have to compete with other businesses that offer similar products or services.

One of the most effective ways to stand out from the crowd and increase your conversions is to use message matches in your marketing campaigns. Message match is the practice of ensuring that the message conveyed in your advertisement is consistent with the message on the landing page that the ad links to. 

This consistency is key to improving the effectiveness of the ad and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Why Is Message Match Important for Marketing?

Message match is important for  marketing for several reasons:

  • It creates a seamless and relevant experience for your prospects. When your prospects click on your ad, they expect to see a landing page that matches their intent and interest. They may get confused, frustrated, or lose trust in your brand if they see a mismatch.

    They may also bounce off your page without taking any action. By using message match, you can avoid this scenario and create a smooth transition from the ad to the landing page.

  • It increases your quality score and lowers your cost per click. Google uses a quality score to measure the relevance and quality of your ads and landing pages.

    A higher quality score means that Google considers your ads and landing pages to be more relevant to your target audience and keywords. This can result in higher ad rankings, lower cost per click, and more exposure for your ads.

  • It improves your conversion rate and returns on ad spend. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who take a desired action on your landing page, such as filling out a form, downloading a resource, or requesting a demo.

Return on ad spend is the amount of revenue generated by your ads divided by the amount of money spent on them. By using message match, you can increase your conversion rate and return on ad spend by delivering a clear and compelling value proposition to your prospects and persuading them to take the next step in your sales funnel.

How do you use message match in your marketing campaigns?

Here are some tips on how to use message match in your  marketing campaigns:

  • Use the same headline and keywords on your ad and landing page. The headline is the first thing that your prospects see when they click on your ad. It should capture their attention and match their search query or intent. The keywords are the terms that your prospects use to find your ad. They should also match the keywords on your landing page and reflect the solution that you offer.

  • Use the same images and design elements on your ad and landing page. The images and design elements on your ad and landing page should also be consistent and aligned with your brand identity and message. They should convey the same tone, mood, and emotion that you want to evoke in your prospects. They should also support your headline and value proposition and illustrate the benefits of your solution.

  • Use the same offer and call to action on your ad and landing page. The offer is the incentive that you provide to your prospects to take action on your landing page. It could be a free trial, a discount, a webinar, a case study, or a white paper. The call to action is the button or link that prompts your prospects to claim your offer. It should be clear, specific, and urgent. The offer and the call to action on your ad and landing page should be the same and match the stage of the buyer's journey that your prospects are in.

Examples Of Message Match in Different Industries

To illustrate how message match can be used in different  industries, here are some examples of ads and landing pages that use message match effectively:

  • Healthcare: In this example, the ad and the landing page use the same headline, keywords, image, and offer. The headline and the keywords match the search query of "healthcare CRM software." The image shows a screenshot of the software and its features. The offer is a free demo of the software, and the call to action is "Get Your Free Demo Now."

  • Banking: In this example, the ad and the landing page use the same headline, keywords, image, and offer. The headline and the keywords match the search query of "banking software solutions." The image shows a logo of the software and its benefits. The offer is a free consultation, and the call to action is "Schedule Your Free Consultation Today".

  • Edtech: In this example, the ad and the landing page use the same headline, keywords, image, and offer. The headline and the keywords match the search query of "online learning platform." The image shows a screenshot of the platform and its features. The offer is a free trial of the platform, and the call to action is "Start Your Free Trial Now."

  • Insurance: In this example, the ad and the landing page use the same headline, keywords, image, and offer. The headline and the keywords match the search query of "insurance software." The image shows a logo of the software and its benefits. The offer is a free demo of the software, and the call to action is "Request Your Free Demo Today."

  • Fintech: In this example, the ad and the landing page use the same headline, keywords, image, and offer. The headline and the keywords match the search query of "fintech software." The image shows a logo of the software and its benefits. The offer is a free consultation, and the call to action is "Book Your Free Consultation Now".


Message match is a powerful technique that can help you improve your  marketing campaigns and increase your conversions.

By ensuring that your ads and landing pages are consistent and relevant, you can create a seamless and persuasive experience for your prospects and move them closer to becoming your customers. You can improve your campaign further by simply creating Dynamic Landing Pages. 

These landing pages are adapting content (text, images) to each visitor based on their interests, location, or previous actions. This personalizes the experience, increasing engagement and conversions compared to static pages.

If this is something you want to aim for your ad campaigns, give Fibr a shot. It is an AI-powered web personalization tool that will help you customize and personalize your landing pages for your every ad, keyword, message, and more.

Try it out by booking a demo today!

Are you ready to turn more ad clicks into conversions?

About the author

Ankur Goyal

Ankur Goyal, a visionary entrepreneur, is the driving force behind Fibr, a groundbreaking AI co-pilot for websites. With a dual degree from Stanford University and IIT Delhi, Ankur brings a unique blend of technical prowess and business acumen to the table. This isn't his first rodeo; Ankur is a seasoned entrepreneur with a keen understanding of consumer behavior, web dynamics, and AI. Through Fibr, he aims to revolutionize the way websites engage with users, making digital interactions smarter and more intuitive.

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