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Conversion Rate Optimization: 7 Tricks That Work Like Magic

Conversion Rate Optimization: 7 Tricks That Work Like Magic

Conversion Rate Optimization: 7 Tricks That Work Like Magic


Ankur Goyal

Ankur Goyal

Ankur Goyal

Jul 13, 2024

Jul 13, 2024

Jul 13, 2024

conversion rate optimization
conversion rate optimization
conversion rate optimization


As a marketer, it is important to stay up with new marketing techniques, especially when customer spans are shorter than ever! The key behind crafting the perfect marketing strategy is making a win-win situation: happy customers and thriving businesses!

One powerful technique accomplishes both, which is known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). What is the goal as a marketer, when your website, or online socials welcome a new visitor? Of course, the answer is simple, customer satisfaction and conversion. CRO focuses on optimizing the crucial post-click journey, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience that converts visitors into loyal customers. 

CRO uses data and analysis to understand how people interact with your website. Then, you use those insights to make tweaks and improvements. We're talking clear calls to action, product descriptions that resonate, and checkout flows that are a breeze. By removing those little roadblocks that cause people to abandon their carts or get lost in the click-through wilderness, you're creating a happier customer experience.

In this blog, we’ll do a deep dive into CRO. You’ll also get 7 Tricks for CRO, which will change the way your business works!

Let’s get into it!

As a marketer, it is important to stay up with new marketing techniques, especially when customer spans are shorter than ever! The key behind crafting the perfect marketing strategy is making a win-win situation: happy customers and thriving businesses!

One powerful technique accomplishes both, which is known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). What is the goal as a marketer, when your website, or online socials welcome a new visitor? Of course, the answer is simple, customer satisfaction and conversion. CRO focuses on optimizing the crucial post-click journey, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience that converts visitors into loyal customers. 

CRO uses data and analysis to understand how people interact with your website. Then, you use those insights to make tweaks and improvements. We're talking clear calls to action, product descriptions that resonate, and checkout flows that are a breeze. By removing those little roadblocks that cause people to abandon their carts or get lost in the click-through wilderness, you're creating a happier customer experience.

In this blog, we’ll do a deep dive into CRO. You’ll also get 7 Tricks for CRO, which will change the way your business works!

Let’s get into it!

As a marketer, it is important to stay up with new marketing techniques, especially when customer spans are shorter than ever! The key behind crafting the perfect marketing strategy is making a win-win situation: happy customers and thriving businesses!

One powerful technique accomplishes both, which is known as Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). What is the goal as a marketer, when your website, or online socials welcome a new visitor? Of course, the answer is simple, customer satisfaction and conversion. CRO focuses on optimizing the crucial post-click journey, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience that converts visitors into loyal customers. 

CRO uses data and analysis to understand how people interact with your website. Then, you use those insights to make tweaks and improvements. We're talking clear calls to action, product descriptions that resonate, and checkout flows that are a breeze. By removing those little roadblocks that cause people to abandon their carts or get lost in the click-through wilderness, you're creating a happier customer experience.

In this blog, we’ll do a deep dive into CRO. You’ll also get 7 Tricks for CRO, which will change the way your business works!

Let’s get into it!

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation?

The rate at which viewers become paying clients is known as your conversion rate. That being said, conversion rate optimization is precisely what it sounds like: the way of changing the format of your website, social posts, ads and your content with an aim of making more people purchase your product.

One of the foremost purposes of executing CRO Strategies is to obtain high ROI. Therefore, optimizing your conversion rate is a smart place to start if you're not getting more out of your online presence than you're putting in. Take a step back and reevaluate your approach!

Look at how these Mega-Giants used CRO to optimize their marketing strategies and got amazing results-

  • Amazon has a conversion rate of around 13%. That means for every 100 people who visit their site, only 13 actually make a purchase. But listen up, marketers! Even a tiny bump of just 1% in their conversion rate translated to a whopping $1.6 BILLION more in annual sales for them. 

  • Walmart implemented a CRO program specifically for their mobile site, and guess what? They saw a massive 98% increase in mobile conversions! This is HUGE.

  • Expedia's CRO team noticed something interesting. They found that simply removing just ONE field from their booking process led to more people completing their reservations. In fact, this small tweak saved the company an estimated $12 million annually!

How to Calculate Conversion Rate?

Conversation Rate is basically a fancy way of saying "what percentage of people who visit your site actually do what you want them to do?"

Here's the simple formula:

Conversions divided by Visitors, times 100 equals Conversion Rate!

Imagine, you run a lemonade stand. Lots of people walk by, but only a few actually buy a cup. Your conversion rate would be the percentage of lookers who become sippers!

Here's the breakdown:

Conversions: These are the folks who take the action you want them to take. Did they buy something? Sign up for your updates? Boom, that's a conversion!

Visitors: This is the total number of thirsty souls who wander by your stand, regardless of if they buy anything.

For example: Let's say you sell cool phone cases online and you're curious how well your website converts visitors into buyers over the past month. You check your analytics and see you had 1,000 visitors, but only 50 people actually bought a case.

Here's the breakdown: (50 conversions / 1,000 visitors) x 100 = 5% conversion rate!

So, out of every 100 people who visited your site, 5 of them bought a case. Not bad!

7 CRO Tricks That Work Like Magic

1. Use Social Proof

Social proof buds from a psychological theory that states, people observe other people actions and mimic them in certain ways. When applied to CRO, social proof can be of a more general nature and include such concepts as customer testimonies, reviews, case studies and user created content. People get a push from others' behaviour when it comes to making decisions. So, when they visit your website and see positive reviews, they tend to comply with them.

  • Customer Testimonials: People’s words and records would always hold truth than others’ opinions in most cases, so including the testimonials of satisfied clients can help in the creation of trust. 

  • Reviews and Ratings: Place product review and ratings at vantage point since they can guide the customer’s decision making thereby prompting the purchase. The third-party review platforms such as Trustpilot or Google Reviews can also be incorporated into the design.

  • Case Studies: Detailed case studies that relate your product or service to the problems of other clients are quite persuasive in pulling in new customers.

  • User-Generated Content: Highlight the need to ask customers to share their experiences on the social media platforms and including the posts on your website.

2. Optimize Your Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

CTAs are some of the most important features that can help lead the user to conversion. They should be complete, persuasive and located where people are likely to see them. Here are some tips to optimize your CTAs

  • Clarity: Stick to business, lay down your words in basic simple language that can be understood without much confusion. Simple words such as “Get Your Free -” is enough to do the job. No need to use the thesaurus!

  • Urgency: This prepares the people for action and also forces them to act, due to the created sense of urgency. Special Offers like “Limited Time Offer”, “Don’t Miss This Chance” or “Sign Up Now” prove to be very useful.

  • Design: Make sure that your CTAs are easy to locate and are designed to visually pop out. Use contrast colors or even maybe play around with the fonts!

  • Placement: Place CTAs where users will be most likely to see them. For instance place CTAs at the header, post-subscription, or in the middle of a web page or post.

3. A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, is when two modified elements or a complete web page is tested to see which is more effective. This technique is among the most significant in CRO because it gives research-based information.

  • Elements to Test: You can A/B split test everything from headlines to CTAs, images, layout, and virtually anything that you want. It is recommended to start with one element and introduce the changes gradually to single out the effects.

  • Data Analysis: Use tools like Fibr or Google Optimize to run your tests and analyze the results.

  • Iterative Process: A/B testing should be an on-going process. Keep tinkering with your web elements to find the best formula for boosting profits!

4. Enhance Page Load Speed

Page load speed is one of the main components of the client’s attitude towards the website and the percentage of sales. A slow website annoys users and results in high bounce rates.

  • Optimize Images: Compress images without sacrificing quality. 

  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Reduce the number of elements on your page to decrease load time. This includes scripts, images, and CSS files.

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): CDNs replicate your content on several servers around the globe thus your users will not be bogged down by load time.

  • Enable Browser Caching: It lets the relatively large elements, which are used on many pages, be cached locally, which accelerates page loading.

5. Improve Mobile Experience

As seen earlier, to implement CRO, it is crucial to choose an approach that considers mobile device usage.

  • Responsive Design: Make sure that your website is responsible for the different devices and can change the orientation.

  • Fast Load Times: As a rule, mobile users have high regard to response time. Optimize for speed using the techniques mentioned earlier.

  • Easy Navigation: Make it less clutter and hence easy to navigate by creating space intelligent buttons that are easy to click.

  • Mobile-Specific Features: Consider mobile-specific features. These may include click-to-call links and services based on the location.

6. Personalize User Experience

Personalization will greatly improve the experience of a user and help to drive up the potential for conversion. Reuse/repurpose content and offers based on consumers ‘activity, interests, and age.

  • Dynamic Content: Consider using dynamic content, such as dynamic landing pages for the purposes of presenting the custom messages and prodducts.

  • Behavioral Targeting: Monitor the activity of your users on your site and send them alerts or presents according to their activity on the site.

  • Segmentation: Divide your audience according to the demographic, behavior or interests, which will help to present targeted messages.

  • Email Personalization: Send personalized emails to customers. You can offer products and services as well as content.

7. Build Trust with Transparency

Over time, it has been postulated that trust is one of the essential elements that contribute to the conversion of the visitor into a customer. When people are unsure about something, transparent communication can help allay the uncertainty and boost sales.

  • Clear Policies: Make sure your return, shipping & privacy policies are easily visible. Ensure that they are comprehensible.

  • Secure Checkout: Check out is crucial for any site. So, there should be a proper check out process to ensure security to the customers.

  • Authentic Reviews: Include authentic and real time, customer reviews and testimonials. This will help you gain the trust of your audience.

  • About Us Page: Develop a visually engaging and value-prop focused About Us page which gives proper introduction about your brand and team.


Conversion Rate Optimization is a fluid process that involves a good understanding of the consumer and their behavior pattern.

Based on these you can tinker with your website and online platforms, so that every visitor turns into a customer. There are various ways in which you can optimize your conversion rate. Remember, that the ability of CRO being effective is solely rooted in constant testing and optimization of a site.

Be updated and learn new methods that fit the current world and constantly try new things! If you are a business that wants to improve your marketing efforts and optimize your conversion rate, then you should definitely try Fibr!

Fibr is a multimodal AI which not only helps to produce high quality on-brand content but also protects your data, helps in testing your marketing efforts and gives real-time feedback to better your marketing strategies.

Don’t wait!

Success is just at your arm’s reach!

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About the author


Ankur Goyal

Ankur Goyal, a visionary entrepreneur, is the driving force behind Fibr, a groundbreaking AI co-pilot for websites. With a dual degree from Stanford University and IIT Delhi, Ankur brings a unique blend of technical prowess and business acumen to the table. This isn't his first rodeo; Ankur is a seasoned entrepreneur with a keen understanding of consumer behavior, web dynamics, and AI. Through Fibr, he aims to revolutionize the way websites engage with users, making digital interactions smarter and more intuitive.

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